One-day preschool
Age 12-24 months by August 31st
9:30-11:30 am, Mondays
Lab School is located in the former Child Care Center (CCC) on The South Seattle College Campus
2022/2023 School Year Monthly Tuition: $81

Teacher: Linda Plankinton
Parent Educator: Kylene Ushimaru
In our one-day toddler class, children are are moving from baby to toddler–oh how they change from September to May!
From “just walking” to running, jumping, climbing.
From hardly noticing the kids nearby to running up to say “hi”
From hoarding toys to sharing them
Our class gives children lots of opportunities to explore on their own, learn to acknowledge and manage their emotions, and begin to learn to share with friends.
Welcome from Teacher Charlotte
Choice Time to Explore, Pretend, and Create at the folowing interest areas
Sensory (water or oats or cotton balls or…)
Art (messy–yet safe–things you don’t want to do at home)
Dramatic Play (this is the birth of pretending),
Blocks (build high and knock them down)
Table Toys (puzzles, pegs, doll house)
Playdough (work those fine motor muscles)
Put Away Time (children begin to learn to take care of their things)
Snack (sitting together at pint sized tables)
Music (singing, dancing, shaking noisemakers)
Time to say Goodbye
Our class is a safe place for children to express independence by exploring a room full of opportunities. As they grow more comfortable with language, we help them learn to communicate their needs.
Parents get to interact with all the children in the classroom each week, meet in discussion group with other parents and parent educator, choose a co-op job that fits your interests, skill, and time to help with smooth running of school, take part in fundraising, choose from a list of free talks on topics that interest you most such as: Guidance & Discipline, Raising Boys/Girls, Separation, Sleep, Toilet Learning.
With blossoming independence come parenting challenges. Wondering how to respond to the frustrated tantrums on the floor? How to get an active toddler to sit at mealtime? Or how to settle them down to nap?
Parent/Caregiver Education is an important part of Cooperative Preschool. A Parent Education Instructor attends class each week, ready to offer tips that will help at home and at school. As parents and children get comfortable with our classroom and one another, adults take part in a Discussion Group every other week during the children’s Choice Time (close by– withing earshot)–no worries!).
“I never thought about ‘preschool’ for my toddler, but it’s been the perfect place to let him explore and learn–especially on a rainy day when I need to talk to other adults!”